2021. július 31., szombat

Miss Zena being very photogenic. Twelve and fabulous!

Basking in the light of apricots


Not working from home anymore and she's so happy to have the office chair to herself

My pod Buddy Tank…


Our old man cat enjoying the fire.

Dean is feeling cute this morning

Nap time


Momo is settling in beautifully. (Bonus Atticus at the top of the cat tree)

Meet my beautiful princess

2021. július 30., péntek

Pixie 💕

Nothing to see here. Scroll along.

Just brought these two home today. The shelter said they were best friends. Welcome to the family Bob and Pita Jr.

My cute cat

She wanted to be a big part of the Zoom meeting and moonlight as a parrot at the same time.

I think our lil mans wants to be a pirate

Just finished this kitty on 12x16 inches paper for a fellow redditor :)

I love my boys! Lion-O on the left, Sgt Pepper on the right.

Enjoying the twilight

my little kitten 😍

Arioch has finally forgiven me for leaving him for a week to get my surgery (dad was feeding him and spots). He was big mad with me! But cats forget stuff quickly when the right food is offered regularly 😂. He's back to his happy, snuggly self!

my cat watching a squirrels and birds movie, i think he liked so much

My cat

Mother and Son

2021. július 29., csütörtök

Kitten bleeps brought to you by Piper

my big sweet boy, chico. he's so insanely fluffy (he's not fat, just fluffy)


Mhm, yes, tell me more

My handsomest boy.

A party and a little snack for an old man

Someone is a big fan of belly rubs 😻

Smilla 🙂❤️

When you're cat sitting, and the cat who's scared of guests decides you're okay

Neville Longbottom (the cat)

When you've had a full mental breakdown about confronting your roommates and landlord, but it's supposed to be a good day.

Once again, on this beautiful Sunday morning no less, the tribunal of the sun cats has returned

Meet Leonardo... First time posting him on Reddit...

"Can i help"


2021. július 28., szerda

Here's a picture of me and my best friend. I recently just lost her. Make sure to cherish your kitty friend

Soft kitty, warm kitty, little ball of fur! Happy kitty, sleepy kitty, purr purr purr!

The sweetest boy ❤️

Dear God, will Izzy ever NOT be in crisis?

Look at this little peach

Stray I feed Barbara, smiling and then ignoring me

Calico with popit

Feral Kitties from 2009

At 12, *he* decided it was finally time to take up outdoor exercise!