2020. október 31., szombat

Happy Halloween!

Sushi is wishing everyone a happy Halloween with her pumpkin bow tie!!


Does anyone know what breed(s) he might be?? 5 months old, 10 lbs

I don’t usually take pictures, but when I do:

Marvin pretty much hates his Halloween costume. I think he looks extra handsome in green.

Dont u just love when they take a snooze together

If I fits, I lay.

stick m’ leggy up

Renesme the Floof Queen or the black pillow with eyes

best buddies forever :)

Daphne and Meeko tag-teaming the chair stealing duties.

Not the pose i wanted but still photogenic ❤️🖤

Happy Halloween. No humans were harmed (yet) in the creation of this photo.

Luci, the tiniest addition to our family

At last I see the light

Franklins whiskeys

2020. október 30., péntek

his name is jäger

New edition to my family. I'd say he's photogenic. Here's Quentin!

Thank you Toy Gods for my new toy

Have a great Halloween ❤️🖤

Happy Halloween from this little vampire!

Strays we took to the vet. Haven’t seen this color coat before.

Belly in her happy place - soft blanket, sunshine and a snooze

Eleanor Fluffington, being cute. I’m so lucky she picked my family!

Hes all ready for Halloween!

Laying down while standing, talented

Ya done poopin’ yet?

My cat broke 😢

2020. október 29., csütörtök

she’ll never let me put a costume in her, so I got creative

Pandemic moods.

Sun Bathing Tsukimi

Why hello there

Working from home today

Logan, slyly watching to see if he needs to follow me somewhere.

Close up!

Meet Rebel! He is just being majestic like usual!


Please don't pet me. I just want sleep.

I hope bird pictures are allowed here too

Professional window cat! ❤️

2020. október 28., szerda

Would you hold her paw?

Whiskers as long as his little body!

Peeking from the shadows

heres wonton

My window kitty

If Kit were a human, he would be that one guy who sleeps through fire alarms.

This ball’s not gonna throw itself, hooman.”

me me pt 82 (zZzZzZzZz)

Judging by all the cuddling & blanket hogging I'd say winter is coming....