2020. augusztus 31., hétfő

I've had this guy for a few months now, he has perfected sitting like people and judging me...

Thor’s high 5!

This is my cat Zorro he has a cool mustache and likes to sleep like this.

Tiger Lily’s prism face

My cat really likes the french fries

I caught Gumpert with his tongue out

My amazing cat

Porkchop: part cat, part curtain.

me me pt 43 (she loves playtime)

midnight pt 3

My Handsome Guys

Basking in the last of the summer sun

He's a prize winning show cat.

Cats love boxes.

Why wouldn't you pet me hooman?


I was taking a order out to a car outside McDonald's. This surprised me.

R.I.P Puff puff.

2020. augusztus 30., vasárnap

Something might be wrong with my plumbing..

And Baby was her name, a not so very ordinary cat or name, but who’s to blame?

Pic of Darwin in mid-action (3yrs ago)

Telling me about the squirrels outside.

I think they're more interested in what's in package than I am

Fiesta Sundays

Rest in peace my little Loves. I Miss you more than you can imagine!

My PC desk is right next to Mr Kitty's favorite window 🥰

Chasing a Lizard

U wot??

lazy sunday

Help! My cat loves to sleep under my knees. But I can’t keep my legs like this all night. Anyone know of how I can create the same “tent” without using my legs?!

Lazy Sunday’s.

Caption this 😹

2020. augusztus 29., szombat

Princess Serena van der Kitten is loving and proud.

Randy the jungle cat

My spoiled molly

At home recuperating after ovarian remnants surgery. Brave girl!

Chillin like a villain

I brought Baby Bear to the vet and she was not amused

Rainy saturday morning.

I found this kitten in the middle of a busy intersection. Cars were just driving over her and she was just frozen in fear.

I posted a picture of my neighbors cat who jumped through my window about 2 months ago. Turns out she was looking for a nesting spot and decided on my house after her family got evicted and left her behind. Meet the porch nuggets; Zuko, Katara, Saka, And Azula! Now 3 weeks old

Neighbour's cat

Super Sleepy

Look at this orange boy