2020. július 31., péntek


This is Zohar, the cat of infinite belly rubs.

snuggly boi

"Stop reading and pay attention to me"

Little Smokey!

Fat cat and baby cat living the good life.

Someone loves his stuffy

Archer Be Groovin’

Pressing ‘paws’ to take a well-deserved nap

These green eyes hypnotize 😻

Little Zazu!

Omg. He is a flat kat. De flattest of de kats.


As soon daddy leaves for work, I nap in his computer chair.


Genie; waiting for work to be over and play time to begin. 😻

Me me loves you and wants to hug you

Nico, AKA Deathstrike

2020. július 30., csütörtök

For my 1st cake day, I present to you my very own majestic little shithead, Alex! He's so pretty, but also a big meanie.

Found these old photos where we were messing around with our first 'pro' camera!

Big Boy is proud of his belly fluff

She knows that she's pretty

Finn being Finn.

She’s so sweet


My apartment came with an elegant cat named Nova

The trauma of having your weight recorded by the shelter volunteers.

One day... One day I'll catch you...

Isn't he cute?

Me me thinking about Milk pt11

Murder mittens :::::rawr:::::

2020. július 29., szerda

Thomas doesn’t often agree to pose for me, but he made an exception tonight.

A week ago Lil' Scrappy appeared out of a cornfield, half starved and hissing at everything. Today she laid on my lap and purred before going to her forever home.

Smooth Paulie.

It’s okay brother, I’m here.

neighbor's cat in my garden

Sleepy Cat


Wanted to share a picture of my beautiful boy for my cake day! This is Midnight and he’s 10 and the friendliest guy around 😍

My little panther

My cat always have a tendency to try and eat my pen when I want to draw.

Bad fibro flare up. Oreo is lay on me purring hard to make it go away

I'd love to introduce you Penelope Catz, my lovely 13 year old lady!

My foster kitty standing on two legs!

Sleepy me me ready for nap pt 10

My owl

This lil guy is a really aggressive petter