2020. május 31., vasárnap

Our wall tower is even better with cat grass!

Steve Stretching

Basking in the sunshine

I should change his name to Sauron

Patches is just a big baby... literally.

Horatio isn't amused, but he sure looks comfortable.

*Record Scratch* *Freeze Frame* Yup thats me, you're probably wondering how I got here.....

Unfinished Crochet Project + Basket.....

He is asleep and I cannot handle his cuteness

This is Kinder. He's an asshole but how can you be mad at him? I can't.

Lazy pull-ups

Mr. Goose

Good thing this door is in the way.

2020. május 30., szombat

My isolation companion and mew-found friend

My indoor cat Bruce hates the neighborhood cat, Caesar

Serenity doesn't want me to do my photography challenge.


Peter: [rolling around and sticking his paw back between the washing machine and the wall] Me: "Hey! What are you doing?" Peter: [pulls out a sock] Me: "Actually, thank you, that was very helpful."

She finally found her light!

She's trying to help me with my game

This is Mia. Mia loves her cardboard cave.


My beautiful boy died today. I love you Tiger.

Tiger's Attitude

An oldie, but a goodie... Lookin like their album is about to drop!

I woke him up

Elsie feeling smug

When you accidentally break the parasol, so you make it into a little one for the cats

Salem spies a moth

Hide and seek

2020. május 29., péntek

My feline angel

Accidental selfie

Hi. I am here again. I am Bella.

Terence isn’t woke yet, but working on it

Summer is here. Time for siesta.

[ ] Cat [ ] Snek

My aunt's cat, Colonel. He's always gotta be up high.

My tired old cat warming her bones, and dreaming of her youth

We put up our wall mounted cat tower. I think Lucy is pretty happy about it

Buddy’s peaking out wondering what the hell is going on in the world right now

[Important] Do not post pictures of cats which aren't yours.

His little tongue is sticking out

Regina The Grey ❤️

I always feel like somebody's watchin' me