2020. március 31., kedd


Not sure how is this a comfy way to sleep

George kitty is here to keep you company during this isolating time. Remember cats can always make things better 🐈 🐾

StephenKings black beans

Once a trash goblin always a trash goblin

Who want to play with me ?

Frasier is sleeping



Why do you spend so much time in my house lately? 😂💓

Thing 1 and thing 2!😺

You haven’t gone full self isolation until you’ve buried your face in a slipper

My girl Skittle says hi everybody!

Nibbler has stepped up his social distancing game. Now he's on the garage roof.


She attack 🐈


2020. március 30., hétfő

Sister love

Sister love

Day 14 of our self-imposed social distancing and Starbuck has never been happier.

Is That Comfortable?

just my nameless cat enjoying being outside (pic by my sister)

Finn has the most gorgeous eyes!

My arm has been claimed by Siri and moving is forbidden

I was nervous moving into a place with cats, she welcomed me with open paws. Her name is Miracle, shes 16 and the reason I love cats now!

Isn't he cute ?

Mother vs Daughter - Smilla and Titiyo ❤️❤️

They all come running when they hear the window getting cracked open

Pip is under cover this morning

Hello Everyone !

In other news, please enjoy this picture of my cat, Sunny.

2020. március 29., vasárnap

Meet Hanako, the newest member of our clan!

Lil Scottish kitten

Percy is keeping socially distant

This is Noodle

Finally a good photo of my foster for her adoption profile!

Nala has just discovered she has back legs and now everytime she goes to sleep she always hugs it ❤️

My noble cat

George’s “why did you wake me up” face

Alexa chilling next to the window

Behold my little boy

My tortoise, Cookie, who wasn’t photogenic in her youth.

Sun Bathing

Orange is beautiful // Tarzan ❤️

look of contempt

Behold my little boy

Well, good morning to you too!

Find someone who looks at you the way my cat looks at canned tuna

He is beauty, he is grace