2019. november 30., szombat

Sammy the Goof!

This is my cat, Ramsey

Ophelia's sweater agrees with her

My little lady (of 10 years) is currently in an oxygen tent for bronchitis. If you happen to see this pic, please just give a thought of healing for her. 🙏❤️

my cat, bell

My boys ❤ Getting ready for a new journey tomorrow, wish us luck!

I’m feeding my friend’s cat while she’s out of town, and she asked me to take a picture of her each time I’m there. Every pic is pretty much the same result.

Enjoy my dork of a cat who likes to sleep in the middle of my bed so I can’t move

I’m watching Midi while my bf is in the hospital. After two years, she finally gives me loves 🥰

Please don't disconnect cat before fully charged


Garden kitty!

i wonder what shes dreaming about...

I found a cute little bundle of kittens out in the garage.

There are two cats in this picture

Puma, seven weeks before I snatched him out of the woods and got him neutered and vaccinated and brought him home

Cougar, eight weeks before I trapped her in a trap. She was my first; I’ve now trapped a total of 26, all of them were spayed/neutered and vaccinated. At least ten have been housed with humans instead of released to the wild.

2019. november 29., péntek

Little lady, Hannah.

Whatcha doin'?

Nando getting warm next to the fire

My boy loves his boxes

Arioch was very dramatic as a kitten!

someone’s resisting the Christmas spirit.

I told arioch he couldn't have prawns because they're all gone. You can read his thought clearly from his expression: "you b*tch*

I just love Birdy's eyes

My little dude Noodles is normally very shy but cooperated for this pic

Little boy just woke up

Shiny Eyes!

I really need to pack but Jenny's got other ideas

Happy 1 year birthday Titiyo. Enjoy your special day today. 💝

Does my cats face look weird?

2019. november 28., csütörtök

So apparently Farley needs a new name because my grandma doesn’t like his name that much. Any ideas?

George is a hugger.

Jupiter on his tower

My cat loaf; Tailchaser

I just discovered this gorgeous black narcissus in my plant hanging basket.

Jenny's Throne

My partner broke up with me 2 days ago, out of the blue. She’s all I’ve got today. Happy Thanksgiving, Kiwi

Ever since my breakup, he won’t leave my side... except to get stuck under the couch and attack me as I try to rescue him..

Greeting me whenever I come back.

Is that comfortable!?

Arioch making himself comfortable while enjoying a morning snuggle in front of my little halogen heater. This boy really loves his snuggles!