2019. szeptember 30., hétfő

Merlin is running for president next year. He promises that all cats and dogs will have dinner on time, every night. #Merlin2020

My fur baby 💚

I don't have the heart to tell her that dinner's not for another two hours

You got some nice teeth bro

When Mom takes a nap, the babies take a nap too

Maximum comfy-ness achieved!

Our new kitten getting a grooming from the old one. We're amazed/relieved how quickly they've bonded.

Sneak 100

The three muscateers

Heated blanket season is here 🍁

Parker loves his big brother Stark

My Siamese Kitty! :)

if you don’t have heartbreakingly adorable back-of-the-knee whiskers, don’t even bother talking to me

2019. szeptember 29., vasárnap

King Maximus, of House Seguin. Flayer of flies, wizard of wasp whacking, and all around accomplished protector of this castle. Woohoo!

One of five of my new foster kittens. 😻

This is how "pascale" says hi after a long day alone

My handsome boy

[Important] Do not post pictures of cats which aren't yours.

A handmade quilt. Made for me by a friend. Made. For. Me. So obviously Oreo decides its hers

I think Hemingway’s found the perfect sleeping spot

Our noble friend.

Dakota is a rescue cat I met yesterday and is available for adoption at Tree House Humane Society in Chicago

Today is Quinn’s first birthday 🎂 ❤️

Ocho and his catnip do not disturb.

Birdwatch & chill

Kitty kisses 😽

Tarzan 10 months today ❤️

I just want to touch his fuzzy little foot but I don’t want to move

What do you have?

My buddy, Lennox.

2019. szeptember 28., szombat

My small friend Jack who actually enjoys wearing bandanas

Thing 1 and thing 2

My kitten Socks!

Ear Furnishings

Laundry workflow problem

A very good boye

My cat licking her nose

Here’s a picture.

My little love 😍

Picture I took of a kitten in Italy (2896x3859)

Smilla Mother of six ❤️

I woke up with this guy lying with me 😍😍

Gigi loves doing some big stretches

Still one of my favorite photos of him

Reeva soaking in the heat from my pc below

Cat logic...

She’s my neighbor and always runs up to greet me when we cross paths