2019. július 31., szerda

15 years of sass

My golden lion boy Toby ❤️

Molly naps while she snuggles up against Merlin as her protector Wednesday afternoon.

The only thing that would make my Zuzu cuter is if she had her little teefies out in this picture

Such an adorable face

I adopted another cat and she is not happy !

My cat letting me know that today is my cake day!


You okay there Egg?

Hi guys

My 2 year old murder machine

Found my boi here as I was going to take a shower.

Mamas boy

Sleepy cat

Good morning 🌞

2019. július 30., kedd

Woke up at 4 am, she was killing a moth. I have 3 boys and 3 girls and have noticed the girls never stop being bloodthirsty murderers while the boys are quite eager after a certain age to blend in with the furniture

Gorgeous stray kitty getting ready for adoption.

It's not what it looks like!

I can paint your cat :)

My handsome little farm hand loves to help me garden by inspecting the flower beds and attacking weeds, 10/10 would recruit again

This one cracks me up

Ruben, chilling in a tree.

Can you believe our rescue, Barry, is (apparently) 10 years old?!

Who could say no to those eyes?

Oh my goodness, that precious nose!

1 to 10 how adorable is she?

He likes napping in the sink

Dallas, captured while sitting slightly wierd. Tonguemovement is bonus. Wierdo.

2019. július 29., hétfő

I wish everyone could meet rani, she has the best personality in the world

Was taking a picture of Titiyo but something got in the way 😂

Jayna says hi/meow

I’m being ambushed

My son, Toberson, finally decided to use his new cat tree.

sleeping buddies

My cat Nina loves to lounge around in the living room

Here’s Jupiter and his kind of large ears

I wish 8 could sleep this well!

Puss n Boots!

Willow is a mood this Monday morning

I was eating dinner and I couldn't eat any further

When your cat is avoiding you

This tiny fluff is Frankenstein! He’ll be joining my family as soon as he’s ready to leave his mama. Also, don’t worry, I was only holding him to check a wound on his back foot, and he has been to the vet, and we’re following vet’s orders. His mama was sitting with me, out of picture :)

Lemmie says hello

Of course she is lazy too

My sister’s fur baby