2019. április 30., kedd

Our beautiful kitty being snuggly 💕

my favorite picture of my girl, Mischief Morgana

My baby boy 💙

This was my outdoor kitty boy. His name is Scrappy. He hasnt came back in over a year but I still think about him everyday. I figured someone wouod appreciate this picture! ❤️

Dinner Ready?

My handsome fella.

My favorite photo of the two of them


Here’s 黄黄 the neighbor’s cat who sneaked in my room when I was studying in China

My friend got this picture of my foster cat the first time he came out to meet a new person!

Linto is here to help with homework!

Serenity look beautiful as ever

SOMEONE got a new catio, SOMEONE got their hooman to build them a private tunnel entrance, SOMEONE is very excited!

Meet Chesterfield

Tiny floof ❤️

2019. április 29., hétfő

Xactly how my Monday went

My cat likes to be the little spoon and simultaneously snuggle my bears.

This is Marilyn. She loves sitting in boxes and munching on houseplants.

My Anakin

Homemade cat tree!

Squanchy is doing a spread-eagle for today’s nap

My baby faced cat 💕

Attack mode

This is Cookie. We named her as a kitten because her and her sisters were sweet. Didnt know she'd be as round as a cookie later! Her sisters are Sugar and Muffin.

This is Prophet. Prophie for short. He loves being outside 🐾🌱🐱 If it wasnt for this handsome young man right here, I honeslty don't know where I'd be! 💙😩

The lovely Rosebud.

Meet apollo

Be Careful Who You Call Ugly in Grade School

Hiding Cat

Miss Bodyguard ;)

Queen Dianne, our office cat.

I recently purchased a label maker; a purchase I have yet to regret.

Jessie loves to stop and smell the flowers

Cutest cat nap

2019. április 28., vasárnap

My sweetie pie! She’s a Lynx Point Siamese!

Cat or Demogorgon?

Little Smirk

Week 2 she don't like our lab coming over to investigate lol.


Hungry cat

I can paint your cat :)

Izzy - Startled derp

Gypsy's first trip to the vet!

This is Sheldon, his love for my husband is ridiculous... here’s a Sunday morning photo session that captures it! 🖤

Mid-wash pause

Luna doing her best impression of the cat on the box of her new toy.

This is a feral cat that my grandma and I share. I have bonded with him and intend to take him as soon as I get a house of my own. He’s a good cat who loves to cuddle but hates to come into the house. I love my Abner boy.

I made the portrait-like photo of my sweet girl

Such a rough life

pet please