2019. február 28., csütörtök

Just got power back after a three day outage due to a snow storm. I think my cat might be a bit happy about it.

Vincent spent his entire, short little life outside, and the cold spell had him in it’s grips. He lost his ears to frostbite and his tail tip is next. But look at this photo. He sees himself as a survivor, and he will never, ever, have a cold day again.

Molly looks like a girl with a lot on her mind Thursday night.

Skylar, My Maine Coon/Napoleon Mix

My sweet boy!

My handsome chonk

Don’t let him outta there!!!

This is Smicks

Move along. Nothing to see here.

My best mate’s a cat..that’s a statement n fact. He’s not much of a talker but we chat all day long, he’s not much of a provider but for the both of us I am strong. He can make me laugh in 2 seconds flat n knows when I’m low and brings me right back. He’s just a cat but he’s my cat and that’s that.

Poop companion

Professor Willcocks, there must be an easier way for you to groom yourself.

2019. február 27., szerda

Her name is Honey.

They always look so peaceful when they sleep

Little bunny eared kitten

Smokey Bear has a giant lion face. Come visit him at Centre County Paws in State College PA.

This beautiful baby girl is named Lyla. She is waiting for someone to choose her at Centre County Paws in Stage College, PA.

Snug as a bug...

Keeping warm on the heating vent

Loooong kitty

“But moooom I want the leezard so baaad..”

My girls Wilma & Stella turned 5 years old this week 😍


kitties act like they don't know

My old boy (18 yrs. old) passed away last year and I still miss him.

Unmatching socks

Hi Redditors from 🐻 Cozmo

They say cats pick up on our emotions and mimic them, Ninja knows my “someone took my parking spot face” very well!

Her face when I take a bath.. mortified

This is Iris. I call her toast.

This is my cat Ninja, he absolutely loves a road trip :)

2019. február 26., kedd

Finley, a cat that my family rescued while he was wandering the streets one rainy night. Put up fliers and brought him to the vet. Weeks went by and nobody claimed him so he joined the family. Been my best friend ever since

I took a close up of my cat Pepper

My little furbean

My new cat. A very pretty boy with a great smolder

He heard me opening up a can.

Ma! The meatloaf!!

He doesn't like selfies. I was clawed approximately .327 seconds later

This is little chubby stray has become very good friends with my cat Rango while he stays at my aunt's house, she was abandoned when the neighbors moved out

Burning the midnight oil again

Beyond excited for the new addition.


What Mom? I'm not doing nuffing!

Closer. Closer. Closer. Too close.

My handsome boy, Loki.

My little princess Luna with her captivating eyes

Will this snow ever stop mom?

This cutie has the best sleeping face.

Unintentionally aesthetic ft. Finn
