2019. január 31., csütörtök

Late Thursday night, Molly appears to be saying her evening prayers as she props her paws on her water bowl shortly before bedtime.

We've heard that it's freezing cold in US, so we've decided to send you some of our warm greek sun!

"This box is too small, human"

This is Cassiopea.

Just two brothers snuggling on a snowy day

My nosy Luna girl with the attack eyes.

Worn out after a long day of biting

Bilbo is right in the middle of his tiny war cry. His annoying sister bites his toes when they are fighting and it just infuriates him.

I see you

I don’t have a story, I just thought this was a great picture of Evie

It's a snowy day for Nemo.

Every night, when we come in to go to bed, we find these two snuggled up. Some nights are more dignified than others...😹

Advice needed, I give Pepper unlimited love and affection but she still insists on looking at me like this when I’m running around the house wearing crocs with socks. What can I do ? Any help appreciated :(

Me with some of my shelter kitties (I'm a volunteer) 😻

Watching over his kingdom 🦁

2019. január 30., szerda

Cozy 😊

Pick me up, human!


Thinking about treats

Molly’s back in the same window where she was for lunch Tuesday, but she’s disappointed that no birds have come along so far to suggest they might want to be her lunch.

Charlie doesn't know it's -30 outside 😭❄😭❄

I work at a cat cafe and this talkative beaut just got adopted I’m so happy 😭😻

Those beautiful green eyes on a snuggly snow day make me grateful to have found him in the cold 3 years ago

Someone's knocking at the door, someone's ringing the bell

‪I don't have pets...‬ I have a furry family!

He saw the squirrel he has beef with through the window

3:20 AM Insomnia cuddles. she was in a particularly lovey mood last night.

My cats playing, if you look closely, one is staring into your soul

Don’t judge me.

The silly hooman is reorganising furniture today, luckily I was on hand to supervise 👑

Molly never did catch that bird to eat for lunch, but after a big dinner of kitty food, she’s willing to forgive the window for getting in her way — and she’s ready to get to sleep to prepare for another day of stalking tomorrow.

Brotherly love

2019. január 29., kedd

[Important] Do not post pictures of cats which aren't yours.

Me when I wake up at 5am

He fell asleep watching us play Kingdom Hearts 3

Look at them closet Toe Beans!

Mr model

Selfie with my best mate Ninja, who has taught me to try and enjoy every second of life.

You like orange cats? We have orange cats! State College, PA

Snow days are purrfect for sleeping in my favorite fuzzy blanket.

Oneironaut [OC]

All cozied up

That moment when your alarm goes off and you wonder if you really need a job...

I tried to hide the bags from her but she managed to find them anyway 😹

A picture of my ol' kitty I took this summer.

The name is Orion

Did you say, ‘gravy treats’???

Thomas is sound asleep a little after 1:30 a.m. as we all go to sleep to await the morning snow expected for Birmingham.