2019. december 31., kedd

Catching the last sunny spot of 2019

Caught the Red Boys in an Important Meeting

2 out of 4 of my dads cats, Olive & Luna, reigning in the new year in their new bed. 2020 is clearly going to be their year.

Meet Meow-Meow. She's kinda special.

Happy new year from myself and Arioch. He spent the whole evening cuddled into me, the poor boy hates fireworks so needed his snuggles.

Best Christmas gift ever 2of2

Niles may be boney, but a lap is a lap.

Noodle has resting bitch face

My cat on a beautiful new years day

just chillin in the sun .....

This photo captures so much about who Thomas really is.

My wonderful Ginger cat

This is Chloe proudly showing off her collection of favorite things.

Unhappy that Christmas is over?

Tortie Twinsies Blep! My little Laika 💕🚀

Arioch is gorgeously fluffy in the winter!

Arioch "helping" me to crochet. He makes it take so much longer to make anything 😂

My little guy sometimes doesnt realize his tongue is sticking out and its SO cute!

2019. december 30., hétfő

My doofy little guy, Apollo.

Not quite willing to share a box, but Lapis at least is being more tolerant

Our new house came with a cat

My boy being Superman lol. 💙

One of my dads cats, Damian, on his way to the vet today.

Barry caught licking his chops.

built a bed for my fancy man

Didn’t hurt, was cute

Say about harem pants what you want, but they make perfect hammocks for cats

Samira, slightly shy rescue that is all black. Except the hairs in her ears and three hairs on her chest that are white. Also our tiniest from our four fur faces.

My babies Asher and Anna

High school sister destroyed Cheddar’s fave box for a school project..

Our handsome boy Jack on his last day with incurable cancer. We will miss you, buddy.

Buddha knows himbs a lucky cat

Enjoying the view

First post of my handsome man, Smush

Hamper cat

Every. Single. Time.

Cat with a stuffed giraffe as a pillow

2019. december 29., vasárnap

Three Sleepy Kittee

Last night the (indoor) cat in the back of the cuddle escaped but the collared cat is an indoor/outdoor, found her and brought her home in this morning. (Yes, both fixed.)

Give me your paw!

Peak of confidence 😬

Kitty doppelgängers at the shelter where I volunteer

Lazy Sunday

Rain + Plants + Fluffy cat= Cozy Sunday!

Rupert (or maybe Paddington) - Liverpool Cat Cafe. I love his little human face.

Ada - Liverpool Cat Cafe

Eliza - Liverpool Cat Cafe

Rose (?) - Liverpool Cat Cafe

My long boi with his long arms

No title needed