2018. augusztus 31., péntek

Thomas is on late-night guard duty keeping his household safe as the time approaches 1 a.m. Saturday.

I went away for two weeks and my family got a new kitten while I was gone. Everyone say hi to Dio.

A cat and his heating pad, as usual

Maud is changing from fluff ball kitten to mini cat.

Ive befriended this cat at my Barcelona airbnb!

Two of mine in a picture I really like.

This long boy (and his mom, my roommate) are moving tomorrow. And it's difficult to say who I'm going to miss more...

Another of little Frankie exploring the backyard

The queen of the garden

Had to poke to make sure he was alive

This is one of the best pictures I have ever taken of them. Simon and Sophie.

I think I have her full attention.


2018. augusztus 30., csütörtök

Late Thursday night, Anne, left, and Molly seem to be winding down for bedtime. Molly is Anne’s mother.

My baby always covers his eyes that paw, dunno why but I love it

my sweetest darling cat sunbathing as we roadtrip across the country

Pumpkin Spice Latte knows this season is in honor of her.

Luna Scuba Tuba Lorna Doona Petunia Fish strikes a pose

What's for dinner?

I have been chosen. Guess I have to sit here til I die

She's such a model!

Does this look like the face of a cat who would wait until 30 minutes before your alarm goes off before pouncing on your face? Yes, yes it does. He’s lucky he’s cute.

Say hi to Pepper! I did a little photoshoot the other day and the only decent pictures that I managed to get were of him yawning or sneezing

Does this look like the face of a cat that would bite your toe seconds after you take that picture? Well yes, yes it does.

2018. augusztus 29., szerda

Callisto loves music, so she hangs out inside the guitar case and sings along.... meow

Trying to think positive thoughts for this goofy little boy

My wanderer came home hungry. ❤️

I was sorting clean clothes, when I noticed them moving...

Hello from Charlie!

My daughter Frankie

How to keep white cat hair off your freshly cleaned black t-shirts... (NOTE:She mostly did it to herself, and I set her free and apologized immediately after the picture)


This face let’s him get away with being a jerk

Took in a starving kitten, 2 years later he's a football. Advice to slim him down?

She loves her blanky.

She'll make me sit there for quite a while while she cleans me

How did I get here?

She knows a baby is coming home soon

This handsome gent turns 10 today. Happy birthday, Mojo...

I'm going to conquer this world

He leg.

2018. augusztus 28., kedd

Thomas has fallen asleep in the office standing up next to some book boxes. It’s time for the rest of us to do the same, but I suspect we’ll all lie down instead.

He was waiting for me to give him a kissy, gave him a hundred.

So comfy!!!

Sandora Cate

3 days after adoption and she’s already settled in

We lost Smokey. He was a dog in a cats body. Even want outdoors to use the bathroom. No litter. He was the most awesome friend.

Merlin is alert to construction next door that he can hear but can’t see.

Thunder wants to play

My thicc boi's best blue steel