2018. július 31., kedd

A neighbourhood stray looking to stay seige on my terrace.

My sleepy boys

My wonderful nebelung, Squeak, is super photogenic

Very occasionally, our kittens stop zooming about the place and look cute. But not often.

My cat cuddles

A small, soft derp taking a nap

My daughter Anne Frankie hunting a house fly

Artsy vibes 🌸

Max is 14 years old, he always seems to be laughing at us (can't blame him)

Tummy circles

2018. július 30., hétfő

After being little terrors and trying to use me as a cat tree all day they're finally asleep.

I got my eye on you

The cats have been fed

My mom sent me a picture of my little boy waiting outside my bedroom door... his cute face makes me melt inside.

Arya fell asleep with her head hanging off the sofa.

Despite all my rage I am still just a cat in a cage

Just adopted this ham a week ago

Copy Cat

A neighborhood stray which comes around for a snack, laying territory over the garage.

RIP Panzer, thank you for choosing us as your humans

2018. július 29., vasárnap

The debonair Crowley cuddling

Chubby foster kitten

Spider? Nice pose wedgie!

Little Miss Anne waits for a dinner which never comes as early as she thinks it should come.

Neighborhood stray cat likes us the most.

Rani likes to look at herself until she falls asleep

Found this in my camera roll


Henry— an 8 week old kitten

How you doin?


2018. július 28., szombat

I will sleep on your warm lap hooman

Longcat and shortcat

Oh hi....

Ize can plaiz PlayStation

This absolute unit acting innocent next to her victim toucan.

Hi! This is my kitty cat, Muña.

Just over a year old, and I still have to fight her for the laundry

[Important] Do not post pictures of cats which aren't yours.

Taken years ago, these two were strays, but Lil' Bit and Oscar were such sweet cats.

Philip just dropped the most fire mixtape of 2018

Last thing you see before the pounce

Bradly sleeps on his back, like a human..

domino’s mad 🙀

Meet Lily the model

The cat's name is Rhonda, eight months old