2018. június 30., szombat

Lost my baby today, goodbye my sweet Juno

This is Lola

I miss my main man Larry every day

An angel

This girl turns 11 tomorrow. She’s been with me through undergrad, graduate school, residency, 6 apartments, 4 states, hours of road trips and all-nighters, and she hasn’t complained once. Reddit, meet Legend.

Useless cat

Arya relaxing on one of her favourite spots...a chair for my dinning table.

Logan doesn't like going to the vet.

I’m pretty sure my cat is going to kill me someday.

[Important] Do not post pictures of cats which aren't yours.

Playful kitty

Trying to eat my salmon 😝!

When she gives you that look...

Mika loves pats!

Hey there. How did you get in here? What do you want? Can't you see I'm eating my breakfast?

2018. június 29., péntek

Meet Cumulus or Q (yes like Star Trek), the new member of my family!

Resting up for a long night of running full speed across the bed.

Atticus surveying his domain

Miah the sleepy little Gamer cat. She sits with me while I play video games.

Waiting for his Friday dinner, Thomas performs his world-famous “starving kitty routine.” He has perfected this art.

Maybee is really getting into this project.

Still kittenish at 5 yrs

My happy place, hammock + cat + medicated :)

My grumpy princess had her 3rd birthday yesterday! She was born June 28, 2015! I loved her since that night she was born, and for forever more. :)

Had some great sales at the grocery store today!

Really... human?


He is not interested.

My big sleepy Yoshie!

Skid in the morning

There’s literally zero space for you on here Jake

Hello there mother