2018. február 28., szerda

meet matilda

These little piddle paws 😢

My lover

This is Dakota, he used to be really skittish and hide. He's really come out of his shell, and I'm very proud of him.

Yes, Chapie is plotting to kill me in my sleep.

Reddit meet Morty!

Studying at The Cat Cafe was exactly as productive as I had hoped.

He likes to knock over pictures and sleep on them. I don't understand it, but I love him!

You may kiss my paw human

Good morning

Chimichunga says hai!

In memory of the eyeless one. Yes he past away.

It has been deemed the 'gnome cone'. At least she likes her new cat bed.

My little princess turned 5 months!

2018. február 27., kedd

She didn’t want to wear the cone of shame after her surgery...so we improvised

When your cat has a better love life than yours....

Our cat, F-Bomb, created a makeshift hammock from curtains for some morning bird watching.

I see your cat in the bathroom and raise you two cats and a dog.

Cat wrap

The Rescue House

Feline Rescue Cat Tales

Persian Cat Breed

House cat Serapina, she's very good

This is Sammy and Dexter,and yes they are spooning

2018. február 26., hétfő

He can’t help posing for pictures

One of my kitties. She's 22 years old or so. She was a rescue.

No one tells you that when you get a cat, you’ll never pee in peace again.


Kai being her gorgeous, 14 year old self!

You don't disturb a binge-watching cat.

Simon looking creamy and perfect

Always mesmerized by her eyes

She was hypnotized by the birds

Fluffy Mimi


Sleepy furball


2018. február 25., vasárnap

View from the couch right now


Mew and Lanmaru.

This boy loves his cat tree...until a box is on the floor.

Do you think I'm classy?

Mmm yummy blanket

[Important] Do not post pictures of cats which aren't yours.

Violet loves to be the little spoon

dis is mine

Early morning relaxation

My killer kitten Luna and her lifelong enemy Rope

My baby Isaac

Best buds