2018. január 31., szerda

Boop pink nose pls

Mimi is not impressed

I sent my friend a picture of my cat in my lap and she was jealous.

Little Billy baby being precious

Losty the selfie-taking cat

Yawn and bat looks like fierce attack

Comfy boy

Look at this majestic ding dong trying to drink water.

Gimli either really loves that blanket.

Cuddles with her teddy😽

She goes in for Spaying Surgery today! (Mom is insanely worried)


2018. január 30., kedd

This was Bean's first night home!

Big mitts, big heart, big cozy...

We went and visited our new kitty today. Her name is River and I am excited to bring her home Thursday

Oliver the sleepiest kitty

I Know He's Around Here Somewhere!

Found Zoe snuggling with a soft toy on my son's bed.

The Royal family awakens.

Looking so distinguished in his tuxedo

My Little Girl is So curious..🐱🐈

Velcro (front) and Eldklot (back). My furry face fan club members

This is Summer. She’s beautiful.

2018. január 29., hétfő

My Moana 🐱🤗

Two of my three new cats, Apple and Cinder

Whipped cream mlem

Lily was a kitty I used to have, she was the runt in her litter and never grew past kitten size. She went out one night and never came back, and I still miss her 5 years later.

Mama (the fatter one) just got fixed today after 4 litters!

She’s such a poser😽

Hello Human

I just washed this car...

This is Alfred! Found him in a ditch over a year ago

The perfect shelf addition

He’s really angry that I woke him up.

Kitty Boxing

My Sleeping Beauty ,🤗

Laser eyes.

2018. január 28., vasárnap

My baby 💕

Why are you bothering me during my nap?

Meet Nina :-)

Okay I'm comfy now!

The temptation to rub her belly is almost overpowering!! O_o

You were gone foreverz. I know, I counted.

Helping fold laundry 🙄

[Important] Do not post pictures of cats which aren't yours.

Fishy doing a yawn.

My gaming buddy

Sansa loves our under quilt while we do laundry

"What? This is a foot stool, those are my feet, what's the problem?"

Dis is my hooman