2017. szeptember 30., szombat

Rue loves this toy.

I have a trip scheduled for tomorrow. I guess I'm not going.

I bought myself a back scratcher - it's been commandeered.

Teensy tiny foster kitten, Patience, chilling with Tsum Tsum Spider-Man. 5 weeks old in this pic.

Ready to eat.

Cuddle puddle!!!!

This old girl turns 18 this week. The vet says she's one of the healthiest old cats he'd seen!

It came from the bin!

Since you guys liked the last one of them, now they’re even closer!! (And cuter)

Moooom stop taking pictures already and pet me!

Cat is looking for worms for breakfast

I was changing my cat's litter and went back to the container I kept it in

Whopper is too big for the box, but that's not stopping her!

We spoil them and buy them their own furniture. At least they like it though!

2017. szeptember 29., péntek

My wife sent me this the other day. Our cat is not amused.

The Three Musketeers!

Murphy is really sick. Trying to remember his majestic glory days.

Dramatic Romeo

The look she gives me when I disappoint her

An interesting sleeping position (His name is Iron)

Kitty strikes a pose.

This green eyed monster

Halloween? Not in the mood right now

I let my cats outside into the backyard and took some pictures.

Guess I'm on the couch tonight.

King of the Chair

That look your cat gives you when you’re taking too many pictures of her

My 12 year old Tails, who still acts like a kitten, with her favourite monkey toy

Skrappy, King of the Tuxedo

2017. szeptember 28., csütörtök


She has a side quest for me

Was taking a photo of Reggie cos he looked all cute sitting on the step. Was not prepared for this tbh.

He hasn't left my side since I've been sick

Shes not always this grumpy I promise

My name is Buddy!

This is Padmé, Queen of Naboo and rascal of my desk work.

Linus van Pelt

My best picture of Leo.

Mr. poopybutthole

True love

2017. szeptember 27., szerda

"I just want to be with you, it's nothing to do with the cake"

From a 6 week old feral kitten to a handsome dude of almost 6 months... this is Wally!

Our cat, Sunny being silly.

Oliver in his second favourite spot

Box cat

I'm 18 years old and like warmth. Dad bought me a heating pad. It is acceptable.

Lulu's never ending battle against homework. This time, group theory.

Alonzo is majestic floof

My cat, Maia

She eats my fake plants right in front of me. Unapologetically.