2017. augusztus 31., csütörtök

Gets new scratching post, prefers the box

Terrified Restaurant Cat: Tanzania

Seen a couple of Maine Coon cats on here and thought I would introduce mine...Reddit meet "Mittens" with his favourite Maine Coon book. (Brilliant by the way if you are a cat lover) 😻

I can't figure out what she wants, but I'm sure it's important!

Floofy Faye

Klepetan sleeps like it's his job!

Water meter cat is always watching

Scout to-go 😂☺️

Dis sock ma sock now.

this is Milo, but I call him Melon

Truffle shows off the new walking vest.

Meet Nala the Maine Coon

Marci enjoying large floofy rug

Can I help you sir? You're on my property.

Gilford's mother, "Millions" when she was 8 weeks old.

She was feeling purrty!

2017. augusztus 30., szerda

Vinnie sniffing the lens.

Do you think I'm sexy?

I sleep like a people now

Can I help you? I was napping....

Honeybun likes to sit next to me while I study and offer her support ❤

My little house tiger, Flynn 👹

This is 2Pac. I adopted him from a local shelter and he hasn't stopped purring since.

Grumpy Gizmo just joined our family! We think she's a Maine Coon kitty.

Alf isn't fat. Just a huge fuzzball.

My sister sent me pics of our cats to hype me up for classes, and now I pass the older one unto you

I rescued Hercules from the middle of the road named "Hercules" , when he was around 5-6 weeks old. Almost a year later and I couldn't imagine a day without him.

Make my sassy pawed boy famous!!

This tough little guy is Mickey Mouse (Moose)

My little squinty-eyed vampire.

Meet our 3 week old kitten, Gilford.

Ollie was contemplating life.

Can I please have a treat?

Vinnie 😝

Clive pondering the universe

Sully & Remy