2017. június 30., péntek

What should I name this sleepy fella?

Pet the belly, resistance is futile. Mauling in inevitable!

Snaggletoothed baby

Just taking a little nap

My sleepy mango baby ❤

This a mighty fine sink you have here

In this hot weather he loves his (my) ice pack thingy.

My sweet Melchor.

My sister's cat Bean enjoying the grass :)


2017. június 29., csütörtök

Fluffington by Census 2010


This is the Queen in my life, Ms Maiben

He likes to pose.

It's too cold outside for this beast

my pretty girl lucy

Six years ago a kitten came into my life and made it better. Last week I said goodbye. All my love forever, Lily Bean.

Imma bout to open a can of whoop a$$ on you

FLUFF BOYE is heckin relaxed

Theyre best friends


Like a Puma logo :)

2017. június 28., szerda

This is Ringo. He used to be homeless but now he sleeps on my router.

My little fluff nugget, Trixie

My little gal wants to shopping

[Important] Do not post pictures of cats which aren't yours.

I put a scarf around my cats head. He's adorably confused.

She's turning 20 (human) years old this year! :)

We enjoy a monochromatic color scheme.

My two favorite boys! Morty & Hemingway!

Caught her at the right moment :P

Enjoying the rain from a dry perch

Yoshi only drinks from tall glasses which are served to him on command by his human pets.

My cat plays tug of war

just hanging out!!!!!

Little Orphan Simon

Mondays are so draining

2017. június 27., kedd

Here's my little bear Mina :P

Belly for days

Psyche is a pretty girl

My old my Lucky curled and napping :)

My cute floof loves belly rubs


Yes...four blankets should suffice.

Sometimes they pose well- Pandora, Delilah, and Cthulhu.

Those little paws 😍


Meet Bailey the rocky road cat that wonders around in my house!

They're not related and are years apart in age. #accidentaltwins

If you've seen one of the post of my cat Puff, this is how furry her paws are, she keeps them perfectly clean and I check her everyday just to be sure.