2017. május 31., szerda

Celine is the sweet -sweet!

The only place he likes more than a stray Amazon box...

Kitty is in timeout

I surrender!!!

Deep in thought

You can put a bow tie on an asshole, it's still an asshole.

When her favourite toy comes out!

Laughing Cat

Smart Boy

2017. május 30., kedd

She really likes her basket

He's pretty happy to be allowed outside again

Always has to have the last word 😂

Farewell Tiffani Crooked-Tail, the Fluffy Huntress, Slayer of Moths and Mice, Lover of Sunshine, Vocal Connoisseur of Tuna, Pound for Pound the Loudest Purr-Box in the West, Cuddler Extraordinaire, Sweetest Cat Ever. 14 years was not enough.

Twix just being silly

This is my cat Pickles. He's an American bobtail, though personally I think he's half cat, half rabbit. :) This picture made a strictly dog loving co-worker melt and think that cats aren't that bad. He's an RSPCA rescue and one of the best decisions I've made in my life. ❤️

Sweet baby Dora

This was the day we got Lando (top) a little brother, FN-2187 AKA "Finn" (bottom). You always hope you've made a good choice in a companion for your cat, and it worked out great for us. They are best buddies and spend their days chasing, wrestling and overall destroying my house.

[Important] Do not post pictures of cats which aren't yours.

My Oreo kitty


He's a weird one...

He is habla..And Now he is waiting When My Mather go to Kitchen..

Anything's a bed if you try hard enough

Oh hai!

2017. május 29., hétfő

Came home to this today.


This is Treemonisha. We are trying to persuade her to come inside and be our cat.

Laika has that 'stare into your soul' kind of stare

Cuddle days are the best

Now She is Very Angry..Want Some Fish


The current situation

There was a pillow in his favorite chair

2017. május 28., vasárnap

Rowan is sleepy (and beautiful)

My day in a nutshell

Rameses stylized.

My little camper :)

I feel bad my poor Dipper had to adapt to indoor life now that we live in an apartment, so I bought her a window seat. I think she approves.

Moustache and gloves

Looking for an exorcist...

Even when she doesn't fit she sits.

So sleepy

Majestic meow meow

Had a panic attack thinking Mr. Boots had escaped 😭

Ziggy & Dea 😊

We had to shave our new baby girl. We still think she's beautiful.

Summer "lion" cut! Counterclockwise from the top: Full coat, pre-groom anxiety, post-groom confusion.