2017. március 31., péntek

Need some help with a name for this young adorable orange tiger. Any suggestions?

Whatcha lookin' at?

This is the picture on a cat scratching post. Those cats look pissed

Mustached queen of the house, Mina! ^_^

Loopy with his new cape!

Her pursed snout is my favourite.

Jazz floating along the wall


Patches, the gray tortie

bella with her 2 days old babies

2017. március 30., csütörtök

I posted a picture of my rescue kitten, Sadie yesterday and you guys seemed to like her so I figured I would post another :)

He was sleeping with his tail tucked in between his legs

This is Rufus Bear and his favourite ball!

meet Rudie. i rescued him as a kitten from the sad, diseased animal shelter the day he was due to be put down. now he's a happy boy who enjoys life!

Suki and Pablo are two peas in a pod!

How my cat asks for cuddles


I can't make the bed when the children are still sleeping

... The king of our castle Archimedes ...

Blueberry waiting for a morning treat

Cold nose

2017. március 29., szerda

Bootsie got a haircut

As of today, my baby Sadie has been living with me for one month :) She's an 8 month (now 9) old kitten saved from the pound. And I love her.

Rufus covering his eye with his extra-toed paw.

Kitty is the little spoon

Lilo & Wall-e

True love

She's always watching

bella with her babies

Walked in the room to this.

The life of cats - sign me up

2017. március 28., kedd

Oh Look i'm dead !

When you're trying to entertain a girl, real nice. And she's just not having it. But you're giving it the old college go.


Sharp Dressed Man! (My 20 lb Darth, again)

Headbutt love is the best kind of love.

Mr Mucky Paws

Tiger drawing by me. @arqums_art on Instagram

I found them spooning in the chair and she saw me go for the camera so she posed.

Sweet baby Peaches!

New cat named Riley

Sleep with One Ear Open

Thought I'd share with you guys the sweetest animal I've ever met - Tiger. Had to say goodbye late last year. He had just turned 17 years old.

Precious Boy

Sweet little Darth (and by little, I mean almost 20 pounds!)

This is Sirius. He loves laps.