2017. január 31., kedd

My Playstation coach Raja

Here's Pepper. My wife and I had just got our first house and obligatory kitty. That was thirty years ago. Yep, I still miss that cat - the house, not so much.

This is Boss. She's been my friend for 7 years!

I hate my friends

Don't be fooled by the look, she was definitely up to something

Drool drop, drop top; loafing on the bed wishin it was a box.

This guy...17 today.

Making muffins

Thinkin' about fishies and stuff

When you're playing and suddenly remember that one time the biscuit bowl was almost empty 😱

[Important] Do not post pictures of cats which aren't yours.

Serenity now

Hi all, is anyone able to help identify my cat? We just got her yesterday and can't get her to vet till tommorow to help us nail the breed. http://ift.tt/2kKwkGy


2017. január 30., hétfő

Bascetti Cat on edge of bed

Can anyone help me identify this painting and where I can find one of my own?

I just wanted a small, little girl. This mangy girl is going to be huge... bah.

Next he'll be popping the microwave open and stealing my food.

Trying new treats

Changing the sheets means adding white fur immediately!

The best face.

Tuxie watching football.

The turn back look + what immediately popped into my head

Nap attacks can strike without warning

Handsome cat is also Lazy cat.

Sleepy little kitty

I see your cat watching you poo and raise you my cat watching me shower. (excuse the cloudyness, taken with phone in ziploc bag)

2017. január 29., vasárnap

Beautiful beast Eman Shaker الوحش الجميل ايمان

I'm being held captive, here's a pic of my captor. Send noms to free me.

Kimi by laptop

Lula, Bascetti Cat, & Wikileaks love their blanket

Neighbourhood watch.

Look into my eyes, look deep into my eyes. From now on it's your full time job to play with me and feed me and pet me. No more of your "real" job.

Wanted to share my brother's cat with Reddit. Her eyes are a really cool green.

Sunday funday with my cuddley dude

Lola has been watching too much Lion King.

Wish you sweet dreams little buddy!

I think I drinked to much last night...

Kimi exhausted from studying

2017. január 28., szombat

My kitten blueberry

Hannah taking a nap on the couch

Excuse me, human. You're sitting on Reddit instead of giving me dinner, and I'm not happy about it. I want to speak to your manager!

the most off putting sight to behold at 5:00 in the morning.

Miss Kitty thinks it's a good day to nap

Special agent Mitz and I hanging out.

My giraffe cat.

What? I'm stretching

Baby ginger smelling sunflowers

Good morning!

I see this a little face staring up at me every time I am on my laptop...