2017. december 31., vasárnap

Welcome to the family, Percival! Ending 2017 better than it began!

He enjoys being a ball.

Morning after the night before. Happy New Year from Australia.

Nini is love, Nini is life.

Nyan Cat

This ornament doesn’t fit in the box.

We Adopted Zelda This Year and This Is An Appreciation Post About Her, Happy New Years!

[Important] Do not post pictures of cats which aren't yours.

Cat Albert enjoying some post-breakfast sunshine

And here we see my torbie demonstrating gold medal technique with the closed pike position

Murphy our increasingly social rescue.

I can’t help but laugh at this picture of my cats feet

Help, my keyboard is being held hostage by a terrible terrorist demanding 100 cans of tuna or I'll never see it again.

Reddit meet Milo! 😊

Reason to get the iPhone X: Bomb ass portraits of your cat.

Cat gives couch big cuddles

Someone is not the least bit happy to see me after I walked in the room and turned the light on

2017. december 30., szombat

Someone is thirsty


Casper on New Year's Eve. ✨ He doesn't like fireworks. 🎆🎇

Look at my belly!!!

Toby, staring into your soul

We're watching my cat's sister for the holidays. At first, they didn't remember each other, but now...

You're sending me WHERE?!

Luna enjoying the warmth of the cat cave

Not sure if tiny head, or big whiskers!

My cat “hiding” while trying to hunt my feet.

He will never understand that he can get milk out of my finger.

You come here often?

He's all about the buttfluff.

2017. december 29., péntek

I gave him a Cheeto an hour ago, and he has been repaying me in cuddles.

Do you ever get the feeling like you are being watched?

New year cat

She snores

Christmas Three

You need to work, you say?

Just living the best life

Beautiful Lily on Her House

This is Laika - less than a day in her new home and she has already found her favourite spot

This is Pandora. LOOK AT HER

Kitty close-up

My beautiful baby boy, Frodo

The three amigos! Love them so much! 😍

Julius with his Elvis Lip