2016. december 31., szombat

Alyssa, 18 year old kitty with only one good nostril, has bravely fought through 2016. She was tougher than you 2016.

All dressed up for new years!

Business cat wishes you all a happy new year!

Happy New Year's from our cat Smokey and his human!

They're finally getting cozy with their Christmas

Des Moines Zoo

CatPictures Best of 2016 Awards - Nomination Thread!

Mike Echo Oscar Whiskey !

An investment every age (or size) of kitty enjoys :)

This sweet baby came into my work very ill. Thankfully this picture is from his recheck appointment and he is back to his normal spunky self. We have determined that he is actually Edgar Allan Poe reincarnated as a cat.

Look at me, I'm an ornament...

A cat sleep on a little bed

Finally grew into the bow tie!

My Little Lion

2016. december 30., péntek

Holiday is over so I can post it publicly... my Christmas card this year


I lost my best friend of 15 years today.

My cat Lucinda when I mentioned weight loss as a viable New Years resolution

Bascetti Cat & Wikileaks - brother and sister

My fluffy sunbathing princess.

Magnificent Mad Max

The three amigos plotting their next asshole move.

You have interrupted my nap...fool

Bascetti doesn't like it outside

2016. december 29., csütörtök

North American Floof Snake

Garbage can sitting

So happy I adopted my girl Shady

Floofy cat enjoying fat snowflakes

My fur baby when she sleeps.

This grumpikins is coming down from catnip, desperately wants to sit in my lap, and has been refused. "The power of the stare compels you!"

Love nudge followed by a paw boop!

[Important] Do not post pictures of cats which aren't yours.

My cat just got his cone on. One can tell how he feels about it.

I asked for a photo mid play

Ferris feet

My cat loves purses.

Very proud to have caught his new "prey" he got from the vet for being good.

What happens every time I get home after being away for a few days...



2016. december 28., szerda

Fluffington & Han Solo hug fighting

The winter kitten life... sooooo cozy!

She's guarding her precious yarn while she sleeps

This 15 yr old butt-head has decided he can no longer abide any closed bedroom doors. If it's closed he is meowing loudly and incessantly until it opens. Anybody want a cat? ...[sigh] kidding of course.

Minxie - Bengal

My kitty cat, Daisy

This is the reason we have to tape the doors to the trash cabinet...


Loki loves the lightshades

my baby ocicat taking his mid-day nappy