2016. november 30., szerda

My cat was probably trying to send a fax. Silly cat. It's not even connected to a phone line.

She's so gorgeous.

Climbing the christmas tree

RIP Bob. Our little Cool Dude cat. Miss you, little nutter.

Changing the bed. Charlie thinks it needs more fan.

For my cake day, I share with you my furry child, Mister Mittens.

Cat backpack or AKA terror boat for cats

She gave up.

Maco cuddling upsidedown

My nannas cat is super pretty!

Portrait of Two Young Gentlemen

2016. november 29., kedd

She tried to steal my Doritos, got stuck in the process.

Fancy kitty

He's Full of Himself...

I hath angered the tribble. (Crosspost to /r/floof)

Since discovery, the sock drawer has been her favorite nap spot.

RIP Betsi you'll be sorely missed by us all

Zanzabar on sidewalk

Felix and Forest. I love how Forest's ears look like hearts from this angle 💕

Cute kitty

My cat Lucinda always looks like she can't believe you just said that

Wally was found as a kitten outside of a Walmart, nearly frozen to death. Today, he has warm blankies, lots of cuddles, and (too many) treats.

2016. november 28., hétfő

Look at that face

Scramby eggs!

Scramby eggs?

My cat Daylight like to take selfies

Our adopted cat Baloo :) she has this cute little puffy lip that kinda makes it look like she's always making a kissy face at you

Misty's kittens

"Please lord, anywhere but the vet"



Update on the kitty that came into the human ER... she now has a home and a name... Lily

Fresh out of the groomer

A goofy dood with a bowtie

White cat definitions

2016. november 27., vasárnap

Shy Tory Giving some serious side eye (@shytory)

Adopted this old lady, Tinky, but no one seems to have told her that she's not a kitten anymore...

Juno's new sweater!

"Why is human sitting in scary water?"

So, you're reading up on cats other than me?!

Delicious wheat grass! He begs for a nibble every day.

Stairway to heaven

Such a pretty girl

Tyger in her usual spot, sitting like she does. 11/27

Autumn Purrlapse is filling out nicely. She loves to watch the kittens play.

Pink nail cute kitty

Showing off his new Santa suit.

Our new kitten Phillip Seymour is adjusting perfectly to our little family. ♡