2016. március 31., csütörtök

nyah nyah nyah nyah nyah nnnnyyyyaaaahhhh

Every time I eat yoghurt...

Wasn't sure she'd appreciate my efforts, but it looks like the new "bed" is a success.

Maggie about to be attacked by Bob!

Alf flopped over the sofa (George in the background).

Face at the window

Why should I hold up my own head when I know momma will just do it for me

My personal weather forecaster says that the cold will soon again

These eyes see deep, deep into your soul.

2016. március 26., szombat

Addi has turned to liquor store bags as a sleeping bag these days. 😛

And her sister fan also be found in the liquor store bag as well!

Stage Fright

Meet Ellemere, I rescued her two months ago

Absolutely love these kitties! I rescued them almost two years ago now. Time has really flown! They're sisters but totally different both looks and personality wise. ❤

Happy Easter!

Meet my new kitty, Mitzi! 9mo, she's really pretty!

Meet Scar, my tortie girl💓

Cat sitting and she's finally warming up to me

Thelma getting some RnR

Moses is definitely a cat model