2016. január 31., vasárnap

This is our neighborhood cat, Fiddles.

Ragdoll Cat Breed

Cute feet

Feeling under the weather. Kitty magic is making me feel better.

He likes to lie with his arms folded

Cat photo bomb

Saw this little guy walking around. Killer stache.

Fully stretched


The Surprise Attack

The Loyal Friend

Inception Cat

Protective Mom Cat

The “Caught in the Act”

Selfie cat with my son

My little boy loved playing with my sweet cat

Cat Pictures

2016. január 30., szombat

this cat who’s literally hanging around

My boyfriends cat being a perfect art assistant

Cats are creatures of routine, and most cats won't appreciate having this routine disrupted by the arrival of a stranger

Zora the "Bandit Cat"

my boyfriend doesn't believe that his cat bullies mine

Our indoor cat moved from a gray apartment block view to this

Nothing like a cat fight in Fort Asshole

Couch potato

Every morning

He loves his rat

I made a noise to get my cat's attention, I think I startled him...


My cat has one foggy eye. Add a bow tie and he instantly becomes a James Bond villain.

My friend's wife and cat watching a shy stray kitten eat the food they put out.

"oh hi...."

My cat, fearlessly scouting the woods

My 20 year old cat. We are the same age, I have known her all my life.

Cat selfie?

New rule: all links MUST be direct image links.

Excuse me, there appears to be a tiny human in my spot.

How is my selfie cat?

2016. január 29., péntek

Mewbacca, the wookie cat.

My cat ate a rubber band. Now it's half-out his butt.

My cat caught a lizard and had no idea how to proceed

My sisters dogs started barking and then her cat did this..

I used to have a one-eyed cat...problem solved.

Cat tax selfie

My niece decided that her cats should sleep in bunk beds.

Sharing the cat tree

Casually displaying the jellybeans

Please meet Sally , our 15 weeks old adorable baby

My boys and I look very cute cat while sleeping

My Good Guy Lucky died in his sleep. I really miss him.