2015. július 3., péntek

Babs watching a leopard documentary on tv.

2015. július 2., csütörtök

Draw me like one of your French girls



Why no tibbie, you're not in the way at all!

For my cakeday, I present to you an album of some of my cats.

Google auto awesome has created a Cerberpuss


Through Thick and Thin

Licking her paw

Living dangerously

Super Lily

Take me to your leader, human; and while you're at it, deliver me in this tiny box.

Just Bernie, taking a break from catching flies.

Needing this picture today for a good laugh. My cat sleeps in some strange positions

Well hello...

2015. július 1., szerda

I die !

Happiness is a blanket fresh out of the dryer...

Trying so hard to get a cool cat selfie...KitKat wasn't having it.

OK, human, you can take off my plate now

Stop bugging me, I'm in my sleep cocoon

Give me your food human!

A cat in a box, inside a box.

Just chillin in the window when she sees a friend

We are pals