2015. május 31., vasárnap

This is how he sits after he eats. He looks so disgusted with himself.


Meet Jess! (just like postman pats black and white cat!)

Little Gizmo is doing great

It's a lazy Sunday.

The humans are doing it wrong

Sleeping kitty

I can human


Willy and Nilly! My Maine Coon kitties.

This is Chai. She crossed the rainbow bridge a few months ago due to cancer. She was the sweetest ball of fluff and always up for pets.

Kitty phone home

I think I need a bigger one...

The Creation of Cat

2015. május 30., szombat

Caspi kitten :3

What do you mean vet's office? You said we were going to the philharmonic.

I wish I was this comfortable when I slept

My blue eyed kitten

This is Ferdinand the Fat, we both don't feel like doing yoga right now.

First Position

Winston the cat - our 20 pound Ragamuffin

My pretty girl

Gretel cat

Meet Mr. Jenkins. He might just steal your soul.

Sunny girl talking :3

Hanging in ma KittyPeeper! Talk to the nice folks at http://ift.tt/1LwmsqW about their kitty patio. Happy Summer!

Cat heaven

Going "throwback" here to roughly 10 months ago when my wife and I rescued Summit. Named in honor of Pat Summitt.

2015. május 29., péntek

My friends Cambodian kitty

Summertime calls for a fresh haircut

My silly cat, sound asleep

Took her for a walk, she found a place to keep a lookout

Cat Broken

'I really am a handsome cat'

So many things to see, so much to experience!

My new baby, Wechsler.

I thought i would fit int his basket..but i did

This little derp. Meet Beans

Pretty sure my cat has an addiction to boxes at this point. Took in a delivery from ebay today and the box was hijacked instantly.

Who the hell is this little #*$^!?

2015. május 28., csütörtök

We just moved, and I caught my indoor kitties and an outdoor kitty being curious about each other!

Chillin' out maxin' relaxin' all cool..

muppet cat

So you picked these pretty flowers for me?

Huge cat...tiny kitten

This is my cat, Bruce, exploring the outdoors for the first time.

Two cats getting a better view (r/catsstandingup)

Awww.. it seems like they really care for each other

Wide eyed kitty :3

Update on the little guy we found: We've named him Pip Gizmo and he likes his naps.