2015. január 31., szombat

My cat Big Belly

I take it shedding season has started... 13 pound cat for size reference

Captain is enjoying the electric blanket.

Oliver can frown better than I can. I think he believes the flash is going to go off every time I point the camera at him, and after all, who likes the flash? It kinda sucks.

Look at mah belleh! Now, rub it.

Cute Kitten

I said, "tuna!!"

Artichoke wants a treat

My kitty Blaze taking in some sun!

My mechanic is cute but doesn't have thumbs

The Doctor has regenerated into a cat!

Igloo kitty says hay.

My fat, sweet kitty.

2015. január 30., péntek

Jealous Cat

Happy 11th Birthday Tawny!!

Caught this creepy picture of my cat, Cookie.

The Coolest Picture I've Taken of my Cat

Dr. Bean

Meow fast asleep. Weirdo.

My ball of cat ( first post)

Midna with her favorite toy

How you doing?

definitely not allowed up there, but she doesn't kill me in my sleep so I let her stay.

For my cake day I'd like to introduce my huge-as-hell cat, Toy..

It was a bit bright that day.

My cat, Worf

2015. január 29., csütörtök

My buddy and his cat hanging out.

A collection of two-faced cats

Made a mini-baby blanket for my cat.

My black cat - Bean (taken over Dec14-Jan15)

Paint me like one of your French girls


here she is bothering me with the other cats whilst i try to #2

When you order big things from Amazon, everybody wins!

New rule: all links MUST be direct image links.

My wife had today off

Oh hey!

Long day while I'm at work.

Cocoa's a little hungry.

FluffyCat Greets the Camera (HDR)

A Cat and a Kitten getting along

2015. január 28., szerda

I'm off duty find somebody else.

Still likes to sleep where he has since he was a kitten!

i have the cutest cat on earth

I think my cat thinks the movie 50/50 is boooring!

My terribly photogenic whiny bastard of a 4am alarm clock

FluffyCat Ponders the Meaning of Life

Cheer up kitten

He's not on the keyboard, but he's still distracting me from work.

FluffyCat Work the Toll Booth