2015. július 3., péntek

Babs watching a leopard documentary on tv.

2015. július 2., csütörtök

Draw me like one of your French girls



Why no tibbie, you're not in the way at all!

For my cakeday, I present to you an album of some of my cats.

Google auto awesome has created a Cerberpuss


Through Thick and Thin

Licking her paw

Living dangerously

Super Lily

Take me to your leader, human; and while you're at it, deliver me in this tiny box.

Just Bernie, taking a break from catching flies.

Needing this picture today for a good laugh. My cat sleeps in some strange positions

Well hello...

2015. július 1., szerda

I die !

Happiness is a blanket fresh out of the dryer...

Trying so hard to get a cool cat selfie...KitKat wasn't having it.

OK, human, you can take off my plate now

Stop bugging me, I'm in my sleep cocoon

Give me your food human!

A cat in a box, inside a box.

Just chillin in the window when she sees a friend

We are pals

2015. június 30., kedd

Caught her mid-yawn.

Cosette con Queso de Diablo, my new best friend and roomie, pretending she's ready to wind down for bed.

Linus was a little champ at his first vet visit today!

Check out my RAD socks, I AM the Great Catsby!

Study in cat

ACs broken and its 90 degrees in the house, but Charlotte is considerate and feels 90 degrees just isn't enough for my toes.

Someone wanted to join us for dinner...

Caught bae slippin

Gallifrey when she was just a few weeks old :3

2015. június 28., vasárnap

Kitty burrito!


Meet my cats! :) [X-Post from Cats]

My little metal lady.

A big yawn on a cold day

Kitty Loves New Box

I got out of bed for a minute. Came back to find this



Tyrion not-Lannister