2014. május 31., szombat

I finally got a nice picture of my kitty cat, Cookie.

Kai was not excited about cuddling

Babies are growing - 5 weeks old

Just relaxing on my leg

Not sure what he's plotting but his stare is starting to freak me out!

No matter how old they get, they still have that kitten inside somewhere.

sunny day

Here is my cat Autumn.

Hai there

Enjoying the shade after lots of playing in the sunshine

Meet princess Luca

There is an app that allows you to add cats to your pictures. So naturally, I created this piece of art with a picture of my son.

Tortoiseshell kitty :)

Tilly loves to cuddle, and she cries when you put her down.

2014. május 30., péntek

My baby of 11 years. He lays so close against me. It looks like Im squishing him, but I promise I'm not

Here's my Maine coon

Cats in the cupboard

Shaniko is less than impressed

My pretty little princess

My cat, He wanted to look proper for his first picture

Had to say goodbye to this beautiful little girl yesterday.


Cat decided you use my arm as a leg rest

My first, and probably only Black Cat Friday post. I miss my baby boy.

Special delivery

My kitten's playtime face

Mimi looking pretty! It's rare for her to be this still. (X-post r/aww)

Purrrrfect Mr. Pounce ^.^

My aunts cat Christmas. He passed away a few months ago. He was such a happy kitty.

Maine coon in the grass

It's Black Cat Friday here in the UK, so here's my pouncy alarm clock Tibbie!

Enjoying a scratch

2014. május 29., csütörtök

Grace and Sophie always try to fit themselves together on my lap.

Zoe did not like the medicine at all

This is Charlie! Miss this boy so much!

Don't ask questions, just help me.

My cat Ferguson had all of her teeth extracted in January. So this happens from time to time...

One of my many foster cats had babies last night.

When you're a cat, anything is comfortable

We're having trouble beating big Ursula in kingdom hearts today

My nephew and my incredibly docile kitty, Zöe.

Thumbs up for nap time!

Our kittens favourite spot to sleep when we first got him! (Potato quality pic - sorry!)

2 cats chilling in a bowl

Coconut (11 years ago)

I'm doing the maths